Campaign for Socialism/The Citizen (Scotland)
Society, Politics, Socialism, Social Democracy - Campaign for Socialism/The Citizen (Scotland). Left grouping within the Scottish Labour Party, committed to common ownership, the equitable distribution of wealth, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service.
International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY)
Society, Politics, Socialism, Social Democracy - International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY). Global federation of youth sections of socialist parties affiliated with the Socialist International.
The Rational Radical
Society, Politics, Socialism, People - The Rational Radical. Offers a radical, alternative view of American politics and culture.
Ecosocialism: A Weblog of Ecosocialist Opinion
Society, Politics, Socialism, People - Ecosocialism: A Weblog of Ecosocialist Opinion. News, reviews, philosophical commentary from an ecosocialist perspective.
Democratic Socialist Movement (Nigeria)
Society, Politics, Socialism, Parties - Democratic Socialist Movement (Nigeria). Socialist news, policies and Marxist analysis of the DSM, with socialist campaigns, anti-war campaigns and support for workers, students, trade uinionists and women's struggles in Nigeria and internationally.
Socialist Party (England and Wales)
Society, Politics, Socialism, Parties - Socialist Party (England and Wales). Campaigns against attacks on the welfare state and for the rights of workers, youth and oppressed groups.
Socialist Labour Party (Britain)
Society, Politics, Socialism, Parties - Socialist Labour Party (Britain). Union leader Arthur Scargill led this left-wing split from the Labour Party after its abandonment of Clause 4 which committed Labour to the nationalisation of industry.