:: NeuroQuantology Web Site ::
Society, Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Consciousness Studies - NeuroQuantology. A refereed, electronic, open access, interdisciplinary journal of neuroscience and quantum physics.
About Science and Consciousness Review (SCR)
Society, Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Consciousness Studies - Science And Consciousness Review. An attempt to build a community for disseminating information about events and new scientific findings in the field of consciousness research.
Staged Present - Attending to the Mystical on the Stage of Working Memory
Society, Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Consciousness Studies - Staged Present - Attending to the Mystical on the Stage of Working Memory. Thesis by Nadia Delicata discussing consciousness, mystical experience, and an experiment concerning the effect of focused attention on working memory.
Unified Reality Theory
Society, Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Consciousness Studies - Unified Reality Theory. Steven Kaufman attempts to demonstrate that the source of reality is a universal consciousness, that we are in no way separable from that source, and so in no way truly separable from each other or any other aspect of reality.
View from the Stranger's Gallery
Society, Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Consciousness Studies - View from the Stranger's Gallery. An oratorio attempting to render in music the internal and external influences that inform one's experience of consciousness, and which traces the current debate in cognitive science in a post-dualist world.
Society, Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Consciousness Studies - Metaphysics by Default. Combines concepts from philosophy and science to describe a hypothetical framework for considering transmigration of consciousness.
Living philosophy from a modern thinker
Society, Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind - Living philosophy from a modern thinker. Includes a study of belief, mind, relativity, sign systems and matter.