The Biosophical Institute
Society, Philosophy, Organizations - The Biosophical Institute. Promotes Biosophy, the science and art of intelligent living based on the awareness and practice of spiritual values, ethical-social principles and character qualities essential to individual freedom and social harmony.
A reference web whose aim is to stimulate reflection on various aspects of modern life. Offers short essays on social and philosophical subjects. Includes a reference library and 'Bon Mot' selection of quotes. Edited by Tim Ruggiero.
Self-Discovery Portal
Portal to the Philosophical Self-Inquiry Group of Pittsburgh, the TAT Forum, Ch'an masters of ancient China, Hubert Benoit's psychological studies in Zen thought, Greatest western teachers of modern times, and other sites related to maximum systems of self-realization.
Canadian Philosophical Association (CPA)
Society, Philosophy, Organizations - Canadian Philosophical Association (CPA). Professional society for teachers and students of philosophy in Canada.
The Radical Academy
Society, Philosophy, Organizations - The Radical Academy. Resource center, newsletter, and forum for the discussion of traditional philosophical questions, as seen through the eyes of a philosophical realism fundamentally grounded on the judgments of common sense, critically examined.