60 Plus Association ///
The 60 Plus Association is a non-partisan seniors advocacy group with a free enterprise, less government, less taxes approach to seniors issues. 60 Plus has set ending the federal estate tax and saving Social Security for the young as its top priorities. 60 Plus is often viewed as the conservative alternative to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP).
The Seniors Coalition
Society, People, Seniors, Organizations - The Seniors Coalition. Advocacy organization to protect the quality of life and economic well-being that older Americans have earned while supporting common sense solutions to the challenges of the future.
AARP: Health, Travel, Baby Boomers, Elections, Financial Planning, Family, Games, Volunteer, Retirement, Discounts, Seniors
AARP is a membership organization leading positive social change and delivering value to people age 50 and over through information, advocacy and service. Resources on retirement, social security, medicare and aging; discounts on drugs, travel, insurance, financial services, and a wide range of unique senior benefits, special products, games, retirement calculator and services for seniors.
Council On The Ageing (COTA)
Society, People, Seniors, Organizations - Council On The Ageing (COTA). Consumer organization founded to protect and promote the wellbeing of older Australians.
The Senior Citizens League
Society, People, Seniors, Organizations - The Senior Citizens League. Seniors advocacy association working to safeguard earned benefits including military and government retirements, improvements in Social Security, Notch solution and Seniors CPI.
National Association of Retired Firefighters
Society, People, Seniors, Organizations - National Association of Retired Firefighters. NARF covers Great Britain and Northern Ireland to fight for conditions of former firefighters and fire service widows.
British Pensioners Association of Western Canada
Society, People, Seniors, Organizations - British Pensioners Association of Western Canada. Assists expatriate British Pensioners living in Western Canada with applying for British Pensions and equality.
Alliance for Retired Americans
Society, People, Seniors, Organizations - Alliance for Retired Americans. Nationwide organization of more than 3 million members focusing on issues affecting seniors.
Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
Free online and face-to-face business counseling, mentoring, and training. Business help and advice for small businesses just starting or for existing businesses hoping to grow. SCORE Association is a nonprofit, resource partner with the SBA.