Crystalinks Metaphysical and Science Website
Society, Paranormal, Prophecies, Past - Crystalinks Metaphysical and Science Page. A site worth to take a look, contains good info on various themes, also the prophecies section contains many categories to consult.
Nostradamus Mabus Project
Society, Paranormal, Prophecies, Nostradamus - The Mabus Project. Searchable writings of Nostradamus.
Prophecies of World War-III by Nostradamus and others
This site analyzes the Prophecies of Nostradamus and the sequence of events leading to World War III with reference to similar prophecies made by other prophets and in various religious texts. The site includes a downloadable ebook containing the complete prophecies of Nostradamus, a message board for discussing related topics and current events, maps on troop movements during WW-III and the first-ever translation of the Hindu prophecy - Kalki Purana on the web.
Nostradamus 500
Society, Paranormal, Prophecies, Nostradamus - Nostradamus 500. Site to mark the 500th anniversary of the birth of Nostradamus, including events, information on books by Peter Lemesurier, and various FAQs.
Mother Shipton's Cave and Petrifying Well
Society, Paranormal, Prophecies, Mother Shipton - Mother Shipton's Cave and Petrifying Well. Online book about this famous prophetess and a databank.
Revelation 13: Astrology, prophecies of the future for 2009 - 2015, Nostradamus, the Book of Revelation and Bible prophecy, the King James version English Bible Code, New Age geography
Society, Paranormal, Prophecies - Revelation 13: Astrology for the New Age, Prophecies of the Future. Suggests that there are numerical and astrological patterns to current and historical events, natural phenomena, and other observations that are related to Biblical prophecy, the Book of Revelation, and other religion and mythology.