Society, Organizations, Development, Regional - Global Partnerships. Engages the business community and others in advancing sustainable solutions to poverty in Latin America.
Midwest Assistance Program, Inc., helps communities and tribal nations find solutions to their infrastructure and development needs through information, resource management, expertise, and technical assistance.
Society, Organizations, Development, Regional - Rural Community Assistance Program. Non-profit organization with the mission to help rural people in the U.
Tools for Self Reliance works with local organisations in some of the poorest countries in Africa. We support rural artisans and craftworkers with tools and training so they can improve their businesses.
Society, Organizations, Development, Regional - Africa Bridge. Seeks to provide a forum for leaders in Africa and the West to work as equals to identify and define innovative approaches and projects to improve the lives of people in Africa.
Society, Organizations, Development, Regional - Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO). A network of African organizations aiming to explore opportunities for coordination of efforts for promoting welfare and eradication of thirst, hunger, illiteracy, disease and poverty amongst rural people.
Society, Organizations, Development, Regional - Africa Leadership Forum. Organises conferences and publications to help cope with Africa's leadership and development crisis.
Society, Organizations, Development, Regional - Jesuit Service Cambodia. A Cambodian NGO dedicated to establishing reconciliation, peace and justice and the full human development of people hurt by war, oppression and exile.
Society, Organizations, Development, Regional - Village Service Trust. Works with partner NGOs in Tamil Nadu, India, fighting tuberculosis, aids and poverty among dalit women.
Society, Organizations, Development, Regional - Transport for Development. A DIFD funded organization, site contains news, free publications, project information, links, and an advice and information centre for transport planners and researchers in developing countries.