Society, Law, Education, Student Resources - Gadlaw. Online law resources and lists of British law websites.
FindLaw for Law Students
FindLaw for Legal Professionals is a free resource for attorneys that includes online case law, free state codes, free federal codes, free legal forms, and a directory of products and services for lawyers. This online legal Web site also includes a legal career center.
Society, Law, Education, Student Resources - Law tutorials and course guides.
Law School Connections - a Law School Admissions consulting firm
Law School Connections - Law School Admissions consulting. Assists students with all phases of the law school application and admissions process including personal statement and resume editing. Founded by Ivy League grad. and former student recruiter Donna Mancusi (University of Pennsylvania Law School '01) LSC also offers free service placing prospective students into law firms to gain experience prior to enrollment.
Paralegal School - Paralegal Education
Society, Law, Education, Paralegal Education - Center For Advanced Legal Studies. Offers information about the Center's paralegal certificate and AAS Degree programs in Houston, Texas.