Welfare Law Center: Low Income Networking and Communications (LINC) Project
The Low Income Networking and Communications (LINC) Project works to build the technology capacity of low-income grassroots groups across the country, enabling community-based organizers and low-income individuals to gain a presence in public debates on economic justice issues, be informed, reach new allies, educate communities, share strategies, and participate in the democratic process.
Welcome to the Community Food Security Coalition
Society, Issues, Poverty, Hunger - Community Food Security Coalition. A non-profit North American organization dedicated to building strong, sustainable, local and regional food systems that ensure access to affordable, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food for all people at all times.
:: Utahns Against Hunger ::
Society, Issues, Poverty, Hunger - Utahns Against Hunger. Works to eliminate hunger in Utah through expansion of child nutrition programs, implementation of public policy, working with emergency food pantries, providing information and assisting people with food stamp problem resolution.
Food Research and Action Center (FRAC)
The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) is the leading national organization working to improve public policies in order to eradicate hunger and undernutrition in the United States. FRAC is a nonprofit and nonpartisan research, policy, public education and advocacy center that serves as the hub of an anti-hunger network of hundreds of state and local organizations across the country.
Institute for Food and Development Policy - Food First
The Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First shapes how people think by analyzing the root causes of global hunger, poverty, and ecological degradation and developing solutions in partnership with movements working for social change.
The Congressional Hunger Center
Society, Issues, Poverty, Hunger - Congressional Hunger Center. A non-profit anti-hunger leadership training and a bi-partisan organization, serves as a center where the anti-hunger community can discuss creative solutions to end domestic and international hunger, located in Washington, DC.
Click to Give @ The Hunger Site
Society, Issues, Poverty, Hunger - The Hunger Site. Includes facts as well as a form for making donations.
National Center on Family Homelessness
Society, Issues, Poverty, Homelessness - National Center on Family Homelessness. Research, Fact Sheets and links regarding family homelessness.
FEANTSA - Homeless in Europe
Society, Issues, Poverty, Homelessness - FEANTSA - Homeless in Europe. News and information from the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA) - with links to members and partners.
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans - Welcome!
Society, Issues, Poverty, Homelessness - National Coalition for Homeless Veterans. Legislative information, web links, technical assistance for service provicers and other resources regarding homeless veterans.