Weblog (My Journey Through Central America)
Society, Issues, Human Rights and Liberties, Regional - Weblog (My Journey Through Central America). This site includes information about the human rights conditions in selected countries in Central America.
The Chestnut Tree Cafe
Society, Issues, Human Rights and Liberties, Regional - The Chestnut Tree Cafe. Charting the rise and fall of civil liberties in mainland Britain.
Shaheed Foundation Pakistan
Society, Issues, Human Rights and Liberties, Regional - Shaheed Foundation Pakistan. All About Shaheed And Shia killing in Pakistan.
Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Society, Issues, Human Rights and Liberties, Regional - Office of the High Representative in Bosnia Herzegovina. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) is the chief civilian peace implementation agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
Among the main objectives of Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) are to pursue and attain all fundamental human and national rights including the right of freedom of expression and association and to support all democratic principles for all ethnic Macedonians, and other oppressed peoples living in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania.
Gra-Lanske inicijative :: Home
Society, Issues, Human Rights and Liberties, Regional - Civic Initiatives. Mission of CI is to strengthen civil society through education, promotion of democracyand support of active citizenship.
European Stability Initiative - ESI
ESI is an independent non-profit research and policy institute, created in recognition of the need for independent, in-depth analysis of the complex issues involved in promoting stability and prosperity in Europe. ESI was founded in July 1999 by a multi-national group of practitioners and analysts with extensive experience in the regions it studied.
South East European Refugee Assistance Network
Society, Issues, Human Rights and Liberties, Regional - South East European Refugee Assistance Network. Supports the process of repatriation, reintegration and reconciliation of refugees to contribute to the development of civil society.
Society, Issues, Human Rights and Liberties, Regional - B.a.B.e.. A strategic lobbying and advocacy group located in Zagreb, Croatia, working for the affirmation and implementation of women's human rights.
ICARE - Internet Centre Anti Racism Europe
Society, Issues, Human Rights and Liberties, Regional - ICARE - Internet Centre Anti-Racism Europe. The information disseminator for the European NGO-community working in the field of anti-discrimination, diversity and migration, with a focus on anti-racism.