Toxic-Tobacco Law: PreMenu
Society, Issues, Health, Tobacco - Toxic-Tobacco Law. Describes the proposed Toxic-Tobacco Law, how it differs from Prohibition, what it will accomplish, and how supporters can help get the Law passed.
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR) works to pass legislation at all levels of government to protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke and protect youth from tobacco addiction. The American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation (ANRF), ANR's educational arm, promotes smoking prevention and education about smoking, passive smoke, and the tobacco industry.
Pennsylvania Alliance to Control Tobacco
Society, Issues, Health, Tobacco - Pennsylvania Alliance to Control Tobacco. Statewide alliance whose focus is grassroots tobacco public policy and advocacy.
Tobacco companies thrive by selling you dozens of products that you don't even know about.
Smoking Stops Here: 1-800-QUIT NOW
This site,, has been created by Maryland's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to help aid smokers in quitting their addiction. Funding is provided by the Center for Health Promotion, Education, and Tobacco Use Prevention to ensure that all services related to this site are FREE of charge. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669).
Tobacco-Free Michigan
Society, Issues, Health, Tobacco - Tobacco-Free Michigan. Dedicated to promoting tobacco-free environments and to improving health and quality of life through education and advocacy.
Tobacco Resource Center of Wisconsin
Society, Issues, Health, Tobacco - Tobacco Wisconsin. Current and accurate information on tobacco control resources, research, and technical assistance.
Tobacco Action Coalition of Long Island
Society, Issues, Health, Tobacco - Tobacco Action Coalition of Long Island. Prevention, cessation, and protection from tobacco products are the focus.