The Movement for Judaism, Zionism and Peace.
SHALOM & PEACE: Oz ve SHALOM -Netivot SHALOM the Movment for Judaism, Zionism and Peace, the onlyreligious Zionist peace organization of its kind in Israel. Articlesabout shalom - peace, judaism, israel, and weekly 'shabbat shalom'commentary
Support Israel
Society, Issues, Church-State Relations, Regional - New Israel Fund. A fund dedicated to religious pluralism and civil rights in Israel.
National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools - Home
Society, Issues, Church-State Relations, Public Schools - National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools. A program to bring a state-certified elective Bible course, The Bible as History and Literature, into the public high schools in the U.
Teaching About Religion In Public Schools: Worldview Education
Society, Issues, Church-State Relations, Public Schools - Teaching About Religion In Public Schools. Offers help to educators to encourage students toward objective consideration of the varied worldviews they may study in history.
Citizens Project - Home
Society, Issues, Church-State Relations, Pro-Separation - Citizens Project. A grassroots organization in the Pikes Peak [Colorado] region dedicated to upholding the traditional American values of pluralism, freedom of religion and separation of church and state.
Liberty Magazine
Society, Issues, Church-State Relations, Pro-Separation - Liberty Magazine. Dedicated to the preservation of the separation of church and state with an emphasis on the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses of the US Constitution.
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Society, Issues, Church-State Relations, Pro-Separation - Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Founded in 1947, AU brings together Americans of many faiths and political viewpoints to defend church-state separation.
America's Christian Heritage Week
Society, Issues, Church-State Relations, Anti-Separation - America's Christian Heritage Week. Argues that the United States should be recognized as a Christian nation.