What Liberal Media? --Eric Alterman
Society, Issues, Business, Media - What Liberal Media?. Provides overview and introduction to the book, fact checking right wing polemics, reviews, and activities of the author.
Media Matters for America
Society, Issues, Business, Media - Media Matters for America. A non-profit progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.
Project Censored - Media Democracy in Action
Society, Issues, Business, Media - Project Censored. Explores and publicize the extent of censorship in society by locating stories about significant issues which are rarely aired in mainstream media.
PR Watch - Center for Media & Democracy
Society, Issues, Business, Media - PR Watch - Center for Media Democracy. Asserts that citizens today find themselves confronted by a bewildering array of hired propagandists paid to convince the public that junk food is nutritious, pollution is harmless, and what's good for big business and big government is good for everyone.
Media Access Project
Society, Issues, Business, Media - Media Access Project. A non-profit, public interest law firm which promotes the public's First Amendment right to hear and be heard on the electronic media.
National Mobilization Against Sweatshops
Society, Issues, Business, Human Rights - National Mobilization Against Sweatshops. NMASS is aimed at fundamentally transforming the sweatshop system according to the needs and human rights of working people.
Society, Issues, Business, Human Rights - Verité. Verité is an independent non-profit organization monitoring international labor rights abuses in off-shore production sites.
MHC International Ltd. - Corporate Social Responsibility
Society, Issues, Business, Ethical Review - MHC International. Corporate social responsibility or corporate citizenship linked to financial performance: The cutting edge of ethical business operations.
Zero Emissions Research Initiative (ZERI) Foundation
Society, Issues, Business, Corporate Environmentalism - Zero Emissions Research Initiative (ZERI) Foundation. Seeks to create a new paradigm of sustainable industry by targeting zero gaseous, liquid and solid emissions, by making Zero Emissions a worldwide industry standard.