The RU-486 Files
Society, Issues, Abortion, RU-486 and Medical Abortion - The RU-486 Files. Articles and newsclippings, books and other resources about RU-486, mostly from a pro-life perspective.
Libertarians for Life Homepage
Society, Issues, Abortion, Pro-Life - Libertarians for Life. Libertarian political group with a scientific and philosophical rather than either pragmatic or religious opposition to abortion.
Children of God for Life
Society, Issues, Abortion, Pro-Life - Children of God. Non-profit prolife organization designed to address current life issues and provide research and response.
Information On The Abortion Issue, Euthenasia, Partial Birth Abortion, Assisted Suicide.....
Abortion Pro life Planned Parenthood at Life Dynamics
Facts on abortion: from partial birth abortion law to abortion clinics, abortion pills and abortion statistics, showing the abortion picture from an anti abortion prolife organization. The pro-life argument against abortion procedures features women killed by abortion and help for women with an abortion procedure injury.
Business Email from Yahoo! Small Business
Society, Issues, Abortion, Pro-Life - Life Research Institute. Faith-based organization intended to promote a pro-life agenda by educating the public about alternatives to abortion, countering information provided by pro-choice organizations, and encouraging activism.