Bundesrat Startseite
Society, Government, Parliaments and Legislatures - Germany - Bundesrat. The Federal Council is the Chamber of the Länder, the federal states, such that only one member votes on behalf of each state, casting all the state's votes.
Finland - Suomen Eduskunta
Society, Government, Parliaments and Legislatures - Finland - Suomen Eduskunta. The Parliament of Finland, a unicameral body of 200 members elected on a proportional basis.
Czech Republic - Senate
Society, Government, Parliaments and Legislatures - Czech Republic - Senate. Eighty-one member elected body.
Kuvendi i Shqip+zris+z
Society, Government, Parliaments and Legislatures - Albanian Parliament. Single-chamber parliament elected for four years under additional-member system.
France - Senate
Society, Government, Parliaments and Legislatures - France - Senate. Upper house of the French parliament.
Assembl+ee nationale ~ Les d+eput+es, le vote de la loi, le Parlement fran+zais
Society, Government, Parliaments and Legislatures - France - National Assembly. Consists of 577 deputies, each of whom is elected in a constituency either with an absolute majority of votes (more than half the votes) at the first ballot or a relative majority (the largest number of votes) at the second ballot.
Society, Government, Parliaments and Legislatures - Georgia. Parliament.
Rajya Sabha, Parliament of India
Society, Government, Parliaments and Legislatures - India - Rajya Sabha. The Council of States elected by the states' assemblies.
India - Parliament of India
Society, Government, Parliaments and Legislatures - India - Parliament of India. Composed of the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) and the Lok Sabha (House of the People).