Peace Magazine
Peace Magazine publishes a range of articles on peace issues -- technically accurate, yet intelligible to any reader with a general education and some interest in international affairs and global security.
Essays, Stories & Photos
Society, Activism, Nonviolence, Publications - Fragments. Personal site of James VanHise, with thoughts and information about the nature of power, the necessity of social change, the futility of war, and the promise of strategic nonviolence.
The Center for Nonviolent Communication
Society, Activism, Nonviolence, Organizations - Center for Nonviolent Communication. Global organization helping people compassionately connect with one another through Nonviolent Communication, a process created by Marshall B Rosenberg, PhD.
Karuna Center for Peacebuilding
Society, Activism, Nonviolence, Organizations - Karuna Center for Peacebuilding. Offers training programs in conflict prevention, transformation and management, with a special focus on inter-communal dialogue and reconciliation.
Alternatives to Violence Project/USA
Society, Activism, Nonviolence, Organizations - Alternatives to Violence Project. Empowering people to lead nonviolent lives through affirmation, respect for all, community building, cooperation, and trust.
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
Society, Activism, Nonviolence, Organizations - The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. A resource for people committed to spreading kindness.
The Forgiveness Project
Society, Activism, Nonviolence, Organizations - The Forgiveness Project. Grassroots organisation working in conflict resolution, reconciliation and victim support.
Nonviolence International
Society, Activism, Nonviolence, Organizations - Nonviolence International. International group encouraging nonviolent methods to bring about changes reflecting the values of justice and human development.
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict
Society, Activism, Nonviolence, Organizations - International Center on Nonviolent Conflict. Advocates and promotes the use of nonviolent means to wage social and political conflict.