Historic Impressions Home Page Sculptures of historical artifacts and monuments https://www.historicimpressions.com/
Bygone Arts Shopping, Antiques and Collectibles, Reproductions - Bygone Arts. Offers custom calligraphy, chain mail, handspun yarn, medieval style clothing, bath salts, ointments, and books. https://bygonearts.com/
R E Morrish - The Hallmark of Quality Shopping, Antiques and Collectibles, Reproductions - R.E. Morrish Manufacturing Jewellers. Specialise in antique and Victorian reproduction jewellery. http://www.remorrish.com
GALL NOUVEAU Shopping, Antiques and Collectibles, Reproductions - Giaion. Offering reproductions of Gallé French Art Noveau lamps and vases. https://giaion.tripod.com/