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Science, Technology, Energy, Renewable - CleanEnergy. Worldwide directory of clean and renewable energy related companies, products and news (biomass, photovoltaic, solar thermal, hydrogen, wind, geothermal, fuel cell).
Renewable Energy Europe - EuroRex
Science, Technology, Energy, Renewable - Renewable Energy Europe - EuroRex. Commercial, investment, export, country and technology information with up-to-date news on sustainable and alternative energy developments in Europe and the rest of the world.
Clarke Energy
Science, Technology, Energy, Renewable - Clarke Energy. Supplier of gas powered generators, landfill gas recovery and generation plant, combined heat and power systems and emission control equipment.
Masonry Heating Association
Science, Technology, Energy, Renewable - Masonry Heating Association. The joys of wood heat.
Science, Technology, Energy, Renewable - Veggiepower. Promoting biodiesel as a Green fuel.