Sonic Sensors is the premier EMAT solution provider.
Sonic Sensors builds instrumentation to solve clientls Non Destructive Evaluation using ElectroMagnetic Acoustic Transducers, EMAT. We apply these transducers to commercial problems and deliver complete solutions. The solution may be a complete turn-key system, or simply providing an inspection service.
SLX, Inc.
Science, Technology, Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration, Ultrasound - SLX, Inc.. Manufacture a noise suppression and signal enhancement add on for existing NDE instruments.
Scan Master Systems
Science, Technology, Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration, Ultrasound - Scan Master Systems. Manufactures instruments, transducers and turn-key nondestructive inspection systems for a wide range of industrial applications, using ultrasonic and eddy current technologies.
Gilardoni raggi X: controlli di sicurezza,ultrasuoni,radiologia,OEM,cnd
Gilardoni fornisce soluzioni basate sull'utilizzo dei raggi X e degli ultrasuoni per applicazioni: nei controlli di sicurezza realizzati con il controllo di bagagli a mano e di bagagli da stiva per il rilevamento di esplosivi, droghe e stupefacenti, banconote, sostanze pericolose oppure proibite; nella diagnostica per immagini a raggi X mediante radioscopia digitale o radiologia tradizionale basata su radiografia e griglie antidiffondenti; nei controlli non distruttivi (cnd), basati su radiografia, ultrasuoni.
Dr.-Ing. Georg Wazau Mess- und Prüfsysteme GmbH (Germany)
Science, Technology, Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration, Ultrasound - Dr.-Ing. Georg Wazau Mess- und Prüfsysteme GmbH (Germany). Developing and manufacturing of sensors, test software and material test systems for research, development and quality assurance.
Centurion NDT's Home Page
Science, Technology, Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration, Ultrasound - Centurion NDT, Inc.. Designs, manufactures, markets and services eddy current and ultrasonic test instruments as well as probes, transducers and test blocks.
Imagine3D Ultrasonic Simulation Software
Science, Technology, Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration, Ultrasound - Imagine3D Ultrasonic Simulation Software. UTEX Scientific Instruments Inc.