Luria, Alexander R.
Science, Social Sciences, Psychology, Child Psychology - Luria, Alexander R.. (1902-1977) - Dedicated to the memory of the soviet psychologist and its work in the field of cognitive psychology, ontogenetic development, mental retardation.
Learning & Teaching Developmental Psychology
Science, Social Sciences, Psychology, Child Psychology - Learning Teaching Developmental Psychology. Psychological research and theory about children's social and cognitive development including lesson plans, classroom activities, and web links.
European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA)
Science, Social Sciences, Psychology, Child Psychology - European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA). The EARA comprises psychologists, psychiatrists, and sociologists who are studying adolescent development.
Society for Research in Child Development
Science, Social Sciences, Psychology, Child Psychology - Society for Research in Child Development. Information on the Society, membership, and publications.
Birth Psychology
Science, Social Sciences, Psychology, Child Psychology - Birth Psychology. Theory and research on birth psychology.
The Child Psychologist
Science, Social Sciences, Psychology, Child Psychology - The Child Psychologist. Dedicated to the fields special education and psychology and the remediation of childhood and adolescent disorders.
Parent-Child Interaction Assessment-II
Science, Social Sciences, Psychology, Child Psychology - Parent-Child Interaction Assessment-II. Mental health professionals use the PCIA-II to understand how parents and children play together.