Pew Research Center for the People & the Press
Polls, public opinion research, national surveys on public attitudes toward press, politics, public policy issues; funded by Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Research Center tracks trends in values, political and social attitudes.
Assessing the New Federalism
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Comparative Politics - Assessing the New Federalism. Urban Institute research and analysis project documenting the ongoing transfer of responsibility for US social programs from the federal government to the states.
National Center for Constitutional Studies - NCCS
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Comparative Politics - National Center for Constitutional Studies. Advocating an interpretation of the Constitution, which they believe accords with original intent.
TCNbP US Constitution Resource Center
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Comparative Politics - US Constitution Resource Centre. Full constitution text with web links and book references by line of constitution.
National Constitution Center: Home
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Comparative Politics - The National Constitution Center. Web presence of the National Constitution center. A Project of the Claremont Institute
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Comparative Politics - Significant political events, laws, key concepts, contemporary language, and other major influences surrounding the Declaration of Independence are examined in an attempt to give visitors a more detailed picture of the significance of this political document.
Pacific Council on International Policy
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Comparative Politics - Pacific Council on International Policy. A leadership forum bringing together live wires from around the Pacific Rim to exchange information and analysis on major international trends and policy choices.