CARD: Center for Agricultural and Rural Development
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Trade Policy - Center for Agricultural and Rural Development. Academic research and briefings in the Center's main research areas, which includes trade and agricultural policy.
National Tariff Commission Home Page
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Trade Policy - National Tariff Commission, Pakistan. The website for the official government trade body in Pakistan.
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Trade Policy - United States Trade Representative. Official website for America's chief trade negotiator and principal advisor to the president.
Nelson Education - Political Science Discipline Centre
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Resources - Nelson-Thomson Learning. Site covers a wide range of topics in political science including international relations, American and Canadian politics, and methodology.
Political Studies
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Publications - Political Studies. About the journal and other publications of the UK Political Studies Association, plus information about the profession and academic programs in the UK.
Political Science Quarterly Online
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Publications - Political Science Quarterly Online. America's oldest continuously publishing political science journal brings you the world of political science -- including full text articles online.
The Forum on Technology and Innovation
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Public Policy - The Forum on Technology and Innovation. The Tech Forum was founded by a Democrat and a Republican Senator and aims to inform about issues of technological competitiveness.
Business Media at University of St. Gallen
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Public Policy - Business Media at University of St. Gallen. The Business Media Homepage groups together a vast cache of information on the use of electronic networks within businesses.
Elsevier Science
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Public Policy - Elsevier Science. Elsevier Science is the web resource for the academic publishing house Elsevier.
E-conomy Project - Univ. of California-Berkeley
Science, Social Sciences, Political Science, Public Policy - E-conomy Project - Univ. of California-Berkeley. A collaborative project among colleges at the University of California, Berkeley focusing on the profound transformation being wrought by new digital technologies.