Science, Social Sciences, Linguistics, Languages - Talumena. A language of The Known Passing World, or Lennura in the language of a people called the Eräni.
Science, Social Sciences, Linguistics, Languages - Mark Rosenfelder's Metaverse. The authors site on the conlang he has created and links to other resources.
Science, Social Sciences, Linguistics, Languages - Minyeva: A Systematic Constructed Language. A language designed to reflect the underlying semantics of sentences and semantic organization of words with more regularity than natural languages.
Science, Social Sciences, Linguistics, Languages - Loglan. General information on logical language Loglan founded by James Cook Brown with grammars by Bob McIvor and novels by Alex Leith.
Science, Social Sciences, Linguistics, Languages - Esperanto in Canada. Canadian Esperanto Association website, with links to local groups across the country.