Science, Social Sciences, Linguistics, Languages - Deaf-Hearing Communication Centre. Interpreting services, advocacy, and training in the Holmes, Pennsylvania area.
We provide interpreting, transliterating, oral, and deaf/blind interpreting in the areas of social services, computer & technical, medical, mental health, theatrical & performing arts, educational (all levels K-12 and post-secondary), judicial, government agencies, religious, private business, conventions, job interviews, training and more.
Interpretation Translation Services in Canada in USA Simultaneous Translation AIIC interpreters ATIO interpreters for French Spanish Japanese Korean Mandarin Canton Chinese Russian Italian German Portuguese Translation Services Toronto Canada
Science, Social Sciences, Linguistics, Languages - Learning Chinese Online. Tutorial lessons of simplified Chinese, with hyperlinked characters and flashcards.
Science, Social Sciences, Linguistics, Languages - Esperanto: Multlingva Inform-Centro. Multilingual Information Center about Esperanto: Information in many languages about Esperanto.
Science, Social Sciences, Linguistics, Languages - Elektronala dicionario de la linguo internaciona Ido. Interactive multilingual dictionary of the international language Ido.
Science, Social Sciences, Linguistics, Languages - Mondlango. Mondlango is an international auxiliary language designed for neutrality and ease of learning.