Southern Finance Association (SFA)
Science, Social Sciences, Economics, Financial Economics - Southern Finance Association (SFA). Devoted to both the academic pursuit and the teaching of finance, web site provides information on membership, annual meeting, and journal.
Society for Financial Studies (SFS)
Science, Social Sciences, Economics, Financial Economics - Society for Financial Studies (SFS). Provides information on annual meeting, conference announcements, and publication information.
Midwest Finance Association - MFA
Science, Social Sciences, Economics, Financial Economics - Midwest Finance Association (MFA). Provides information on annual meetings, awards, and publications.
DB-Research - Your access to success
Deutsche Bank Research das Center of Compentence fr makrokonomisches Research in der Deutsche Bank Gruppe. Analysen und Prognosen, von Konjunktur, Zinsen und Whrungen in den Industrielndern und in den wichtigsten Emerging Markets. Als weltweit fhrender Think Tank analysiert Deutsche Bank Research fr Sie die Volkswirtschaft und die Entwicklung der Wirtschaft und der Finanzmrkte international. DB Research kostenlose Studien aus Deutschland, Europa, USA, Japan, Lateinamerika, Asien, Osteuropa sowie Naher Osten und Mittlerer Osten.
Ashoka Mody's Webpage of Publications
Science, Social Sciences, Economics, Financial Economics - Mody, Ashoka. Includes full text of all recent publications on international finance and foreign direct investment and earlier publications on technological and institutional change.
Welcome To Finance India
Science, Social Sciences, Economics, Financial Economics - Finance India. The official publication of Indian Institute of Finance provides tables of contents.
Causes and Effects of Economic Depression
Residential construction and development loans are just a simple matter that they can incorporate within the plans of building a house, and make sure that they repay the loan amount in due time.