U of T : Economics : Department of Economics
Science, Social Sciences, Economics, Academic Departments - University of Toronto. Departmental overview includes information on faculty and staff, working papers, seminars, graduate and undergraduate programs, jobs and newsletter.
University of Calgary
Science, Social Sciences, Economics, Academic Departments - University of Calgary. Department description, programs of study, faculty information, research papers and links to affiliated research organizations provided.
Rocky Mountain Institute : Abundance By Design
Science, Social Sciences, Economics, Environmental Economics - Rocky Mountain Institute. Based on work by Amory and Hunter Lovins, this organization has a nonadversarial, transideological approach to helping businesses, communities, governments and individuals create more wealth in a life-sustaining manner, primarily by gains in efficiency.
Eurodad: The European Network on Debt & Development
Eurodad is a network of European development NGOs working for national economic and international financing policies that achieve poverty eradication and the empowerment of the poor. Analysis and action on development finance, illegitimate debt, aid effectiveness, international financial institutions, responsible lending
Resources for the Future - RFF.org
Science, Social Sciences, Economics, Environmental Economics - Resources for the Future. A nonprofit and nonpartisan think tank located in Washington, DC that conducts independent research - rooted primarily in economics and other social sciences - on environmental and natural resource issues.
International Labour Organization - Home
Science, Social Sciences, Economics, Labor Economics - International Labour Organization. The UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights.