Caribbean Studies Press
Science, Social Sciences, Anthropology, Publications - Caribbean Studies Press. Publisher of scholarly texts offers catalog, information for authors and contacts.
Human Ecology Review
Science, Social Sciences, Anthropology, Publications - Human Ecology Review. Twice-yearly journal of the Society for Human Ecology, publishing peer-reviewed research and theory on the interaction between humans and the environment and other links between culture and nature.
Waveland Press
Science, Social Sciences, Anthropology, Publications - Waveland Press. A publisher of ethnographies and other anthropological monographs.
European Society of Ethnopharmacology
Science, Social Sciences, Anthropology, Organizations - European Society of Ethnopharmacology. The principal aim of the Society is to promote cooperation and data sharing within Europe in the field of ethnopharmacology.
Society for Medical Anthropology (home)
Science, Social Sciences, Anthropology, Organizations - Society for Medical Anthropology. Promotes the study of anthropological aspects of health, illness, health care, and related topics.
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Science, Social Sciences, Anthropology, Organizations - Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology. An academic society that supports anthropological field research, complemented by historical analysis and a range of social science methods.
Welcome to Terralingua: Unity in Biocultural Diversity
Science, Social Sciences, Anthropology, Organizations - Terralingua. an international, nonprofit organization concerned about the future of the world's biological, cultural, and linguistic diversity. / The Gorilla Foundation
Science, Social Sciences, Anthropology, Linguistic Anthropology - Koko the Gorilla. The Gorilla Foundation brings interspecies communication to the public through Koko, famous for her sign language skills.
Anthropology Resources on the Internet
Science, Social Sciences, Anthropology, Directories - Anthropology Resources on the Internet. Features links categorized by academic specialization.