FLUKA (Fluktuierende Kaskade)
Science, Physics, Particle, Software - FLUKA (Fluktuierende Kaskade). A stand-alone particle physics Monte-Carlo simulation package.
TeXsis - TeX macros for Physicists
Science, Physics, Particle, Software - Texsis - TeX Macros for Physicists. This package provides a number of useful features for typesetting research papers.
Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE-Barcelona)
Science, Physics, Particle, Research Groups - Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE-Barcelona). High Energy Physics Institute with research groups in experimental and theoretical particle physics.
University of London, University College - HEP
Science, Physics, Particle, Research Groups - University of London, University College - HEP. An explanation of the role this group plays with the ATLAS, CDF, Future Linear Collider, MINOS, OPAL and ZEUS experiments.
Argonne National Laboratory
Science, Physics, Particle, Research Groups - Argonne National Laboratory. Conducts research in areas of both theoretical and experimental particle physics.