The Nikola Tesla Information Resource
Science, Physics, History, People - Twenty First Century Books. A mail order bookstore specializing in titles related to the inventor Nikola Tesla.
The Einstein Papers Project
Science, Physics, History, People - The Einstein Papers Project. Publishes The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein.
Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov
Science, Physics, History, People - Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov. Very famous Russian physicist and mathematician of the twentieth century.
The Invention of Knowledge
Science, Physics, History - The Invention of Knowledge. The connections between the sciences and the arts with emphasis on physics.
Robert Hooke
Science, Physics, History, People - Robert Hooke. Site devoted to the life and work of Robert Hooke, one of the leading scientists of 17th century England, and first Curator of Experiments at the Royal Society.
This is... History Page
Science, Physics, History - History Page. Historical timelines in mathematics, physics, and politics.