CSS / : Certified Scientific Software.
Science, Physics, Crystallography, Software - SPEC / Certified Scientific Software. a UNIX-based software package for instrument control and data acquisition used for X-ray diffraction at synchrotrons and in university, national and industrial laboratories.
Welcome to HKL Research, Inc.
Science, Physics, Crystallography, Software - HKL. The triad of Denzo, XDisplayF and Scalepack: programs to visualize and interpret X-ray diffraction images.
Science, Physics, Crystallography, Software - SIR97. Integrated package of computer programs for the solution and refinement of crystal structures using single crystal data.
Homepage of the Gnu Xtal System
Science, Physics, Crystallography, Software - Xtal. A package of over sixty programs for calculations ranging from the reduction of raw diffraction intensities, to the solution, refinement and publication of crystal structures.