South African OR society.
Science, Math, Operations Research, Professional Organizations - ORSSA. South African OR society.
Italian OR society.
Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system
French OR society.
La socit franaise de Recherche Oprationnelle et d'Aide la Dcision (ROADEF) regroupe les chercheurs et les industriels s'intressant aux diffrentes disciplines de la Recherche Oprationnelle (RO): l'optimisation combinatoire, l'ordonnancement, l'aide la dcision, la modlisatoin stochastique et l'valuation de performances
Society for Judgment and Decision Making Home Page
Science, Math, Operations Research, Professional Organizations - Society for Judgment and Decision Making Home Page. An interdisciplinary academic organization dedicated to the study of normative, descriptive, and prescriptive theories of decision.