Cinderella: Interactive Geometry
Science, Math, Geometry, Software - Cinderella: Interactive Geometry. Cinderella is a Java based interactive geometry tool.
Polyhedra and other Interesting Structures
Science, Math, Geometry, Sculpture and Art - Polyhedra and other Interesting Structures. Home made polyhedra and other constructions with interesting structural properties, specifically tension and rigidity.
GeomeTricks (Geometry Tricks) explores complex geometric structures based upon the geometrick Lbasic jointl; an interconnectable joint composed of four intersecting sets of three triangular prisms. The site includes instructions for assembling the basic joint, photographs of real-world geometrick sculpture, and interactive virtual 3D models. The geometricks are organized in levels of complexity to challenge visitors of all ages.
Electronic Geometry Models
Reviewed collection of digital geometry models for research and education in mathematics. The geometry models in this archive cover a broad range of mathematical topics from geometry, topology, and to some extent from numerics. Examples are geometric surfaces, algebraic surfaces, topological knots, simplicial complexes, vector fields, curves on surfaces. All models are accompanied with a unique description. The most important models, the geometry jewels, are reviewed by the Zentralblatt fRr Mathematik.
Science, Math, Geometry, Polytopes - An online encyclopedia of the shapes, including ray-traces and other data on the Platonic Solids, Kepler-Poinsot Polyhedra, and Archimedean Solids.