(Italy) CISM
Science, Math, Applications, Research Groups - (Italy) CISM. International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine.
(Greece) Heraklion, Crete
Science, Math, Applications, Research Groups - (Greece) Heraklion, Crete. Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH): Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics (IACM).
Center for Applied Mathematics
Science, Math, Applications, Research Groups - (USA) Cornell University. Center for Applied Mathematics.
Computational methods in applied mathematics (CMAM) - international mathematical journal
CMAM,cmam.info,Computational,computational,methods,Methods,applied math,applied mathematics,mathematical journal,Mathematical Journal,Math Journal,math journal,journals,publishing,academic,mathematics,math,science,engineering,general mathematics,mathematical physics,numerical analysis,numerical methods,scientific computation,value problem,initial value problem, boundary value problem,differential,integral,equations,differential equations,partial differential equations,ordinary differential equations,integral equations,theoretical contributions,numerical algorithms,computer simulations, different fields of applied mathematics
Kozintsev, Igor V.
Science, Math, Applications, People - Kozintsev, Igor V.. Intel Labs.
Mathematics in Industry
Science, Math, Applications, Organizations - Mathematics in Industry. European Study Group with Industry (ESGI) information, eprints, links, contacts.
Institute of Theoretical Geophysics
Science, Math, Applications, Mathematical Geosciences - University of Cambridge. Institute of Theoretical Geophysics: a research institute spanning Earth Sciences and Applied Mathematics & Theoretical Physics.