Science, Math, Software, Mathematica - Mathematica Information Center. Resources that document various capabilities of Mathematica, such as: articles, books, conference proceedings, courseware, user-submitted MathSource notebooks, and technical notes.
Science, Math, Software, Maple - MaplePrimes. Downloadable add-on packages for Maple, available to Maplesoft customers as part of the Extended Maintenance Plan (EMP) subscription.
Draw 2D and 3D graphs, shaded surfaces and contour plots forFunctions and Data. Use powerfull linear and nonlinear least squares curve fitting methodsto find a least squares fit to your data. Integrate and analyse systems of up to 20coupled differential equations (ODE's). Calculate zeroes and extrema for functions,statistical properties for data. Draw 2D and 3D projections, power spectrum andPoincare sections for ODE's and iterative maps. Matrix operations. Cellular automata.
Science, Math, Software, Graphing - MoNooN Grapher. A collection of graphing programs, for plotting functions in 2D and 3D, rectanguluar and polar coordinates.
Science, Math, Software, Graphing - GLgraph. An OpenGL based function grapher for Linux, handling 3 unknowns (x,z,t) and producing a 4D function with 3 space and 1 time dimension.