Permanent Publications
Permaculture Magazine, solutions for sustainable living. Introduction to permaculture, news, reviews, courses, contacts, classified ads and links. Earth repair catalogue, a comprehensive resource of books, dvds and journals covering all aspects of sustainable living. Permanent Publications, Hyden House, company profile, news and contact information.
Permaculture Research Institute of Australia
Science, Environment, Sustainability, Permaculture - Permaculture Research Institute. About permaculture and PRI's hands-on permaculture courses in ecological design, environmental restoration, appropriate technology and sustainable agriculture.
PermAgro - Permakultur i Danmark / Permaculture in Denmark
Science, Environment, Sustainability, Permaculture - PermAgro - The Permaculture Research Institute Denmark. A non-government organization to research sustainable agriculture in a cold temperate climate, teach people the basics of permaculture, and promote the importance of seedsaving.
Permaculture in New Zealand
Science, Environment, Sustainability, Permaculture - Permaculture in New Zealand. Information about the world of permaculture in New Zealand.
The Jo'Burg Memo: Fairness in a Fragile World
Science, Environment, Sustainability, Global Sustainability - The Jo'Burg Memo: Fairness in a Fragile World. The Memorandum is Heinrich Boell Foundation's contribution to the debate on both the desired outcomes of the Johannesburg Summit and the critical path for the sustainable development agenda in the next decade.
centerRobust knowledge for Sustainability/center