Science, Earth Sciences, Paleontology, Famous Localities - Key Scientifically Important Fossils. A site to record important fossil finds in West Dorset, with photos and short descriptions.
Paleontology, science education programs & resources for the classroom, e-learning and technology programs for inner-city kids in Chicago, Paleontologist Paul Sereno's dinosaur expeditions and exhibits in Africa, China and The United States
Triebold Paleontology, Inc. is an independent company dedicated to the preservation of vertebrate fossils employing a full-time staff engaged in collection, preparation, restoration, molding, casting, and mounting for over 24 years.
Science, Earth Sciences, Paleontology, Societies - Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates - The BFV Online. A computerized database for research in evolutionary paleoecology.
Science, Earth Sciences, Paleontology, Databases - fosFARbase. A relational database of lower vertebrates (fish, amphibians, and reptiles) from the Neogene of Eurasia.