Automated Battery Test Equipment
Science, Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Instruments - Maccor, Inc.. Supplier of Battery Research and development, Multi-Electrode, AC Impedance test equipment.
EID Corp. (USA) electro-chemistry product line
Science, Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Instruments - EID Corp. (USA) electro-chemistry product line. Electro-chemistry product line includes: pH electrodes, Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE 22 species), ORP electrodes, Conductivity (2, 4 Cells), Dissolved Oxygen (DO) electrodes and temperature sensors.
Palm Instruments BV - PalmSens
Science, Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Instruments - PalmSens. Interface for electrochemical sensor instrument can be used as a dedicated instrument as well as a generic, programmable device for various sensors from Houten, Netherlands.
Sentek Limited
Sentek manufacture Electrochemical Sensors for pH, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen and Ion Specific Electrodes. UK based specialising only in the production of Electrodes for all water based applications designed around the customers specific requirements.
IJ Cambria Scientific Ltd
Science, Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Instruments - IJ Cambria Scientific. SECM,EQCM, impedance, redox potentials, quantitation (CH Instruments).
AMMT GmbH -- Potentiostats for silicon micromachining
AMMT provides solutions in the field of silicon micromachining and is a premier supplier of process control equipment for wet-chemical etching of silicon, glass and quartz, possibly one of the most important fabrication processes of bulk micromachining in MEMS and microsystems technology. AMMT's fields of activity comprise anisotropic and isotropic wet etching of wafer substrates, electrochemical etch-stop techniques, porous silicon formation, electroplating, and vapor-phase release techniques for surface micromachining. In a multidisciplinary development team, mechanical engineers, electronics specialists and computer programmers combine their efforts to develop user-friendly, safe and demand-oriented systems for AMMT's clients.
Xenosystem Co., Ltd.
Science, Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Instruments - Xenosystem Co., Ltd.. Electrochemical instruments manufacturer for battery test systems and multichannel potentiostat/galvanostats.