The YAeHMOP Home Page
Science, Chemistry, Software, Physical and Theoretical - YAeHMOP. Yet Another extended Huckel Molecular Orbital Package.
Zeta - a free (GPL) program for calculating zeta potential
Zeta can be used to calculate zeta potentials for ka6 from electrophoretic mobilities measured at the stationary level, from apparent zeta potentials displayed by zetameter or from apparent mobilities measured at 3 different levels in a rectangular cell.
Simulates complex chemical kinetics in reacting flow.
Byproducts of Combustion, Combustion Reactions @ Reaction Design. Providing Chemical Kinetics and Rates of Reaction, Combustion Chemistry Emissions, Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling, Chemistry Simulation Software.
Periodic Spiral of the Elements
Periodic Spiral is a unique redesign of the Mendeleyevian periodic table that's both powerful and easy to use. In conventional versions of the periodic table, the lanthanons and actinons are poorly integrated, and the alternating placements of hydrogen neither effectively convey the element's unique status nor indicate its chemical similarities to the noble gases, halogens, and alkali metals. Periodic Spiral illustrates hydrogen's ambiguous relationship, while also fully integrating the lanthanons and actinons into the design. In addition it features a complete set of 120 elementsd-including postulated elements such as 115d-with comprehensive information on each from 12 categories that include history, associations, geology, compounds, alloys, and form. With more than 600 pages of text, no other reference source provides instant access to such a wealth of information about the chemical elements.
ESM Software Software for Materials Science
Science, Chemistry, Software, Materials Chemistry - ESM Software Software for Materials Science. Materials science software, including materials properties databases, phase diagram collections, crystallography software, thermochemistry software and other packages.
Windows Educational Software & Shareware from Chemware
Chemware is Chemistry Software Education, Educational Windows software and shareware for high school and college students and teachers of chemistry. Software created for students and teachers of Chemistry by a Chemistry teacher.
CHEMIX Chemistry Software - Science Education
Software for Chemistry Learning - Balancing chemical equations, Molecular weight calculator, Conversion calculator, Periodic table, Spectroscopy, Curve fitting, Solubility Product, Ideal gas equation, Ternary phase diagram and more.
The Octet Project
Science, Chemistry, Software, Development - The Octet Project. Open-source, object oriented cheminformatics framework written in Java.