Science, Biology, Zoology, Chordates - Institute for Bird Populations. Conducts research on changes in the abundance, distribution, and ecology of bird populations, mostly in North America.
Science, Biology, Zoology, Chordates - Bird Conservation Research, Inc.. Nonprofit foundation dedicated to open space concerns that conducts research on birds.
Science, Biology, Zoology, Chordates - Western Field Ornithologists. The ornithological society for western North America, Hawaii, and the Northeastern Pacific Ocean.
Science, Biology, Zoology, Chordates - Ornithology: the Science of Birds. Dedicated to the dissemination of information on the science of wild birds, with emphases on conservation and education.
Science, Biology, Zoology, Chordates - Australian Mammal Society. Publishers of Australian Mammalogy, a peer-reviewed scientific journal which bi-annually publishes original research articles and notes on all aspects of Australasian mammals.
Science, Biology, Zoology, Chordates - The Gibbon Research Lab.. Offers an introduction to the natural history of the gibbons or small apes (Hylobatidae), a review of gibbon systematics and gibbon singing behavior, a comprehensive photo and sound gallery of all gibbon species, as well as complete research articles and news on various aspects of gibbon biology.