International Touraco Society
Science, Biology, Flora and Fauna, Animalia - International Touraco Society. Dedicated to the conservation of the rare bird family Musophagidae from Africa, commonly known as Touracos or Turacos.
World Owl Trust
Science, Biology, Flora and Fauna, Animalia - World Owl Trust. Based in the UK, the trust's primary aim is to ensure the survival of all species of the world's owls.
Owl Stuff - Buy Owl Gifts & Help Owls
Buy owl gifts and help owls at the same time. Learn what to do if you find a sick or injured owl, why you don't want a pet owl, and 14 things you can do to help owls. You'll find information about the Festival of Owls and an on-line press room for the star of it all, Alice the Great Horned Owl.
The World of Owls
Science, Biology, Flora and Fauna, Animalia - The World of Owls. Sanctuary based in Ballymoney.
My Owls of the World
Hundreds of pictures and info about Owls ... say hi to snowy owls and other owls
The Barn Owl Trust
Science, Biology, Flora and Fauna, Animalia - The Barn Owl Trust. The Barn Owl Trust is a national registered charity based in Devon, UK.
Rushcliffe Barn Owls
Science, Biology, Flora and Fauna, Animalia - Rushcliffe Barn Owls. The Rushcliffe Barn Owl Project aims to conserve and increase the population of barn owls in Rushcliffe.