A conservation and use plan for the Stanford Dish area
Science, Biology, Ecology, Research Centers - The Dish. Describes the foothills at Stanford University, popularly known as The Dish, and used for academic research, ecological conservation, and restorations.
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research at U of Colorado, Boulder
The Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) conducts interdisciplinary research in earth system science and climate dynamics to better understand past, present, and future change in high-latitude, alpine, and global environments
Florida Center for Environmental Studies
The Florida Center for Environmental Studies represents the ten state universities and four major private universities . The center acts as a facilitator and co-ordinator of research and training related to the environment and as a locus for environmental information. Grounding its activities in the Florida sub-tropical environment, its mandate encompasses global tropical and sub-tropical environments especially the issues and problems of water dominated ecosystems.
Complex Systems Research Center
Science, Biology, Ecology, Research Centers - Complex Systems Research Center. Center investigates the effects of human disturbance on the Earth's biogeochemical processes.
Environmental Change Network (ECN) Home Page
The Environmental Change Network (ECN) is the UK's integrated long-term environmental monitoring network.The site contains information on the network, summary data and real-time access to our weather station at Moor House NNR.