Plant Atlas Portal Homepage -
Science, Biology, Botany, Regions - Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants. Comprehensive searchable database compiled by the Institute of Systematic Botany at the University of South Florida with maps, citations, and images and species lists for each county.
Sixth International Flora Malesiana Symposium
Science, Biology, Botany, Regions - Sixth International Flora Malesiana Symposium. Meeting on the plant diversity of Malesia (Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea), held in September 2004 in Manila.
Oxygen Electrode and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurement Systems
Science, Biology, Botany, Plant Physiology - Hansatech Instruments Limited. Manufacturers of oxygen electrodes and chlorophyll fluorescence systems for the measurement of cellular respiration and photosynthesis in the field or laboratory.
Heinz Walz GmbH - Germany
WALZ - one of the worlds top producers of highly sophisticated photosynthesis measuring systems. The current product line ranges from the well known PAM Chlorophyll Fluorometers to measuring systems of plant gas exchange for physiological and ecophysiological research
PMS Instrument Company
Pressure Chamber Instruments for measuring plant water potential and irrigation scheduling
The Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology
Science, Biology, Botany, Plant Physiology - The Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology. The Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology at the Swedish University of Agriculture Sciences educates undergraduates as well as performing basic research.
Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Genmicas
Science, Biology, Botany, Plant Physiology - Nitrogen Fixation Research Center. Studies on the biological fixation of nitrogen at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.