Science, Biology, Bioinformatics, Software - Bionconductor. The Bioconductor project produces an open source software framework that will assist biologists and statisticians working in bioinformatics, with primary emphasis on inference using DNA microarrays, built mostly using R.
Science, Biology, Bioinformatics, Software - The BioJava Project is an open-source project dedicated to providing Java tools for processing biological data.
Science, Biology, Bioinformatics, Software - The Bioperl Project is an international association of developers of open source Perl tools for bioinformatics, genomics and life science research.
Science, Biology, Bioinformatics, Software - Metalifesocieties. Makes available various bioinformatics algorithms, which perform all essential tasks in sequence analysis and sequence-based predictions.
Scientific software for the molecular biologist. Performs virtual DNA cloning, analyses DNA for restriction enzymes, homing enzymes and primer sites, dam and dcm methylation sites, finds and translates open reading frames. Calculates annealing temperatures for PCR. Generates DNA/plasmid plots, virtual agarose gel plots, XY-homology plots - and more!
Science, Biology, Bioinformatics, Software - Phred/Phrap/Consed System Home Page. basecaller / assembler / sequencer finisher and related tools from the UW Genome Center.