subsidiary of PKC Pharmaceuticals, manufacturing signal transduction chemicals, distributed worldwide, through online ordering from Woburn, Massachusetts.


This site contains prices and technical information for products manufactured and sold by LC Laboratories. LC Laboratories manufactures laboratory reagents used to study signal transduction processes in cells and tissues in biomedical research. Signal transduction comprises the process by which communications between cells in an organism are transmitted from the outside surface of the cells into internal regions. LC Labs' products, which are the highest quality and lowest priced in the market, are produced either by: 1) isolation and/or semi-synthetic modification of natural products using preparative liquid chromatography (HPLC); or 2) multi-step total synthesis.

LC Laboratories - Signal Transduction Reagents, Biochemicals, Neurochemicals, Kinase Inhibitors, Antibiotics, Kinase Activators, Soybean Isoflavones, Immunosuppressants

LC Laboratories