The RNASociety WebSite
Science, Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomolecules - The RNA Society. Facilitate sharing and dissemination of experimental results and emerging concepts in ribonucleic acid research.
The Plasma Proteome Institute
Science, Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomolecules - Plasma Proteome Institute. PPI is working to define the research and regulatory agenda required to rapidly advance the exploration and diagnostic use of the human plasma proteome.
Lehrstuhl fRr Biomaterialien
Science, Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomolecules - Fiberlab. Laboratory to investigate fiber-forming spiders, mussel collagen, nanoproteinfibers, and prions at Munich, Germany.
Proteomics Platform for the Netherlands
Science, Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomolecules - Proteomics Platform for the Netherlands. The proteomics platform was formed in the end of 2000 as an initiative of Connie Jiménez (VU, Amsterdam) in order to stimulate the exchange of knowledge/information between Dutch research groups that engage in fast-moving field of proteome research.
Swiss Proteomics Society
Science, Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomolecules - Swiss Proteomics Society. Statutes, committee and contacts for membership details.
Michigan Proteome Consortium
Science, Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomolecules - Michigan Proteome Consortium. Aimed at industry and academic research institutions to provide proteome mapping, protein microarray, yeast hybrid and informatics core laboratories coordinated by University of Michgan, Ann Arbor.
Bruker Daltonics
Science, Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomolecules - Bruker Daltonics. Bruker Daltonics has diverse technology platforms that integrate MALDI-TOF, MALDI-TOF/TOF, (Q-q-) FTMS, ESI-Ion Trap, ESI-LC/TOF, and ESI-Q-q-TOF mass spectrometry systems with automated sample processing systems and productivity-enhancing software for life science applications.
Institute for Systems Biology: Home
Science, Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomolecules - Institute for Systems Biology. Institute for Systems Biology's goal is to unravel the mysteries of human biology to identify strategies for predicting and preventing diseases such as cancer, diabetes and AIDS.
Shamrock Structures, LLC -- Home
Science, Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomolecules - Shamrock Structures. Shamrock Structures provides its life science clients with integrated proteomics services and access to proprietary X-ray synchrotron data collection.