SETI Institute - Home
Science, Astronomy, Extraterrestrial Life, SETI - SETI Institute. Conducts scientific research on life in the universe.
Science, Astronomy, Extraterrestrial Life, SETI - The DVD Forums. News, guides, statistics, and joining information.
The IsraAliens SETI@home Team
The IsraAliens is a team of Israelis and Jews from around the world that participate in the SETI@home project. SETI@home is a scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) using a special program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data.
Carolyn's Clinic
Science, Astronomy, Extraterrestrial Life, SETI - Carolyn's Clinic. A tongue-in-cheek look at One of the world's leading Internet treatment facilities for diseases and psychosis that afflict people who run the Seti at Home program for extended periods of time.
Invitation to ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence
Invitation to ETI is a web-based scientific Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) experiment, inviting intelligent extraterrestrials to establish a dialog with humanity. The Invitation is issued by a multi-disciplinary group of nearly 100 scholars from around the world.
Panspermia: Society for Life in Space (SOLIS) Society
Panspermia Society, dedicated to promoting the future of life in space by directed panspermia missions. Payloads of selected microbes, launched by solar sails, will start evolutionary chains on planets in new solar systems through astrobiology missions starting in 2050.
The Astrophysics & Astrochemistry Laboratory
Science, Astronomy, Extraterrestrial Life, Exobiology - The Astrochemistry Laboratory. Located in the Astrophysics Branch of the Space Sciences Division at NASA's Ames Research Center.