Welcome to Beastwatch UK
Science, Anomalies and Alternative Science, Cryptozoology, Big Cats - Beast Watch. Designed to be a direct point of contact for the public to learn more about the alleged exotic felines of the UK.
Famous Conspiracy Theories
Famous Conspiracy Theories, Famous Conspiracy Theories Information, Famous Conspiracy Theories Articles, Famous Conspiracy Theories Book, Famous Conspiracy Theories Online, Famous Conspiracy Theories Exposed
Impossible Correspondence
Science, Anomalies and Alternative Science, Astronomy, Alternative, Cosmology - Impossible Correspondence. 24 yr study in science / religion / metaphysics.
Cosmology Without Big Bang
Science, Anomalies and Alternative Science, Astronomy, Alternative, Cosmology - Cosmology Without Big Bang. The right Hubble Law is derived to obtain a cosmology with expansion but without Big Bang.
Electric Cosmos
Modern astronomy and cosmology ignores electricity and misinterprets redshift.
WingMakers, The Ancient Arrow Project
Science, Anomalies and Alternative Science, Astronomy, Alternative, Cosmology - WingMakers, The Ancient Arrow Project. Introduces a new cosmology and a future vision of our universe and our purpose therein.
The Living Cosmos
Science, Anomalies and Alternative Science, Astronomy, Alternative, Cosmology - The Living Cosmos. Argues that biological universe is stabilized by life and that planets, galaxies, and other objects are similar at the phenomenological level.
Geons, Black Holes, and Quantum Foam
Science, Anomalies and Alternative Science, Personal Pages - Geons, Black Holes, and Quantum Foam. Thoughts on physics, aliens, exotic propulsion, and philosophy.