The British Columbia Museums Association
Reference, Museums, Museum Resources, Organizations - The British Columbia Museums Association. Brings together members of the British Columbia cultural community for common problem solving and sharing of information.
Operand - explore
Reference, Museums, Museum Resources, Exhibit Resources - Operand. A company that creates and produces interactive multimedia experiences.
Professional Picture Framers Association
Reference, Museums, Museum Resources, Conservation and Preservation - Professional Picture Framers Association. International trade association representing the art and framing industry and offering educational workshops, technical information and seminars.
American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta
Reference, Museums, Museum Resources, Organizations - American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta. A professional association for public gardens in North America, supporting the public horticulture community in its mission to study, display, and conserve plants.
Museum Computer Network - Home
Reference, Museums, Museum Resources - Museum Computer Network. Dedicated to fostering the cultural aims of museums through the use of computer technologies.
Visitor Studies Association - Home
Reference, Museums, Museum Resources - Visitor Studies Association. International organization devoted to enhancing and understanding visitor experiences in museums, zoos, science centers, historic sites, aquariums, botanical gardens, nature centers and interpretive sites.