The Web Credibility Project - Stanford University
The Stanford Web Credibility Project: Part of the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab our goal is to understand what leads people to believe what they find on the Web. We hope this knowledge will enhance Web site design and promote future research on Web credibility.
Burg Scozes - the old castle of Scoz am Rhein
Reference, Education, Instructional Technology, Evaluation - Burg Scôzes. Purports to be a history of the old castle of Scôz am Rhein, built by Oleg the Noseless.
Hrnoz-Spandew Travels
Reference, Education, Instructional Technology, Evaluation - Hrnoz-Spandew Travels. A spoof travel agent for the non-existent city of Scôz am Rhein.
Immortality Devices by Alex Chiu
Reference, Education, Instructional Technology, Evaluation - Alex Chiu's Eternal Life Device. Information about immortality rings.