John Templeton Foundation: College and Character
John Templeton Foundation's College andCharacter Initiative is to encourage colleges and universities to do asmuch asthey can to reinforce the positive values instilled by parents, such ashonesty, compassion, self-discipline, and respect.
Plagiarism Resource Site Home Page
Reference, Education, Educators, Academic Dishonesty - The Plagiarism Resource Center. Free software that allows teachers to compare papers and determine if one is plagiarized, plus links to other resources.
Center for Academic Integrity
Reference, Education, Educators, Academic Dishonesty - Center for Academic Integrity. Provides a forum to identify, affirm, and promote the values of academic integrity among students.
Turn It In
Reference, Education, Educators, Academic Dishonesty - Turn It In. Provides a service to determine the originality of texts based on comparisons with their internal database and net-wide searches.