Play the game
News, Media, Journalism, Issues - Play the game. Web site for the second world conference for journalists in a globalized sports society, focusing on the tension between journalistic ethics and sports business.
News, Media, Journalism, Issues - Resource which gathers a variety of issues and stories about internet journalism.
FOIA Group, Inc.
News, Media, Journalism, Issues - Foia Group. FOIA consultants who assist in crafting and executing FOIA requests.
U.S. Department of State Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
News, Media, Journalism, Issues - U.S. Department of State FOIA Electronic Reading Room. Displays (a) frequently requested documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), (b) special collections of continuing public interest, and (c) regulations, policy statements, administrative rulings and manuals, and other reference materials.
The Brechner Center for Freedom of Information
News, Media, Journalism, Issues - The Brechner Center for Freedom of Information. Answers queries about media law from journalists, attorneys, and other members of the public.
The First Amendment Foundation is a highly visible and accessible source of authoritative information, expertise, and assistance to the public and news media.
The First Amendment Foundation is a highly visible and accessible source of authoritative information, expertise, and assistance to the public and news media. It was founded as a non-profit organization in 1984 by The Florida Press Association, the Florida Society of Newspaper Editors, and the Florida Association of Broadcasters to ensure that public commitment and progress in the areas of free speech, free press, and open government do not become checked and diluted during Florida's changing times
Nathan Ashby-Kuhlman - Online news blog
News, Media, Journalism, Issues - Nathan Ashby-Kuhlman. Online news blog about Web journalism and new online storytelling forms that critiques newspapers' Web sites.